Volunteering is generally considered an altruistic activity where an individual or group provides services for no financial gain for community's benefit. It is based on the ideas of helping humans and solidarity according to which the individual offers himself to the service of the suffering fellowman.
The purpose of all the EP.OM.E.A teams is the protection of life, health and property of the citizens and nature, and the organization of sports and cultural events.
More specifically :
* The response in crisis, either man-made (war), or natural disaster (earthquake, fire, floods) within Greece or abroad.
* The immediate and effective response to accidents or diseases, the citizens' training and organization and adoption of preventive measures for the above misfortunate situations
* The implementation of environmental protective measures (fire protection, cleansing etc) relating to health and quality of life.
* The improve the quality of life for vulnerable groups and disabled people
In line with Your sensitivity in contribution and offer to society, we ask for cooperation with Your organization. Our intention is the establishment of a long term, stable and constructive cooperation between our organizations.
Bellow You can find information regarding the activities, certifications, cooperation and training of our team.
For any questions or further information please contact us.
General information
Address : Moshonision 23 str, 12242 , Egaleo
Mobile :+30 6932305626 e-mail: info@epilektoi.com
Founding date / accession in EPOMEA Greece : 3/1/2013
General Secretariat for Civil protection Reg.No : 25/2014
* Giorgos Roumeliotis :President, Vice president of EPOMEA Greece, trainer
* Konstantinos Lahanas : Vice President
* Stilianos Sylaidis :Secretary
* Markella Tsigkrimani : Association Treasurer
* Angeliki Apostolaki :Member
Number of Members :300
Rescue dogs : 2
In the summer of 2003 , in Thessaloniki , the Epilekti Omada Edikon Apostolon Dimou Thessalonikis (Elite Special Task Force of Thessaloniki's Municipality) was founded after a change at the Charter of the four years old Scout team named Epilekti Omada Edikon Apostolon Hortiati (Elite Special Task Force of Hortiati) remaining loyal to the cause and beliefs. In 2005 it became member of the General Secretarial For Civil Protection with the Reg no:16/2005
Later on , the family of "Epilekti" grew up by founding new autonomous teams in Sintiki, Aegaleo with Reg.no 25/2014, Korinthos, Panorama Larissa, Volo , Kilkis, Viotia and Epanomi. Each of the team is independent with their own board of directors but for common education, knowledge and training purposes all the training schedule and control of the teams is done by EP.OM.E.A Greece.
Training of Members
In order to be able to participate in the EP.OM.E.A teams every citizen has to successfully complete a five-month Basic school .The courses , theoretical and practical , are held at specifically designed operating areas every Monday and Wednesday between 20:00 and 22:00 by Certified Professionals for each and every different subject
After having attended the Basic School and having successfully passed the compulsory examinations the volunteers will choose one of the below mentioned
Specialities: First aid, Mountain rescue , Marine rescue , Forest protection, Crisis management, Rescue dog training, Telecommunications , Internet and Use of New Technologies
The goal of the team is to train the citizens in order to be able to help in emergency cases and natural disasters. For this purpose the citizens-volunteers are being trained by the very same people that will be called in to deal with these situations , the professionals rescuers of Air Force, Fire brigade , Doctors , Nurses , EKAB (National Emergency Aid Center ) and OASP (Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization).
The training is based on First Aid , rescuing people who have been buried alive eg after an earth quake (Disaster management), Mountain rescue , Marine rescue (rescue , diving, recovering) , Telecommunications and N.B.C. Radioactive disasters.
After having completed the training and in order to better consolidate the knowledge of First Aid the volunteers of EP.OM.E.A Egaleo offer their services at Tzaneio Hospital of Pireus while they participate in numerous drills and Medical Coverage. At the same time the volunteers are participating in seminars like BLS, TRIAGE, Marine Rescue School and HAF(Hellenic Air Force) Disaster Response Team (KOMAK )
Activities of EP.OM.E.A Egaleo
International Meetings / Exercises
* 17/3/2013 Exercise with Serbian Rescue Team. Members of EP.OM.E.A participated at a 10 days meeting in Belgrade and a the "Disaster Exercise" held in Zemon , Serbia
* 15/10/2013 Enceladus 2013 1st Internation Training Meeting. Held in Greece with the participation of teams from Italy -ΕDELWAIS, Malta -EFRU, Turkey AFAND, Serbia- Serbian Resceu Team and Cyprus - Cyprus Civil Protection Volunteer Corps other EP.OM.E.A Teams of Thessaloniki , Sintiki, Velou Roha Corinth and Friends of Forest team of Salamina.
* 22/1/2015 International Training Meeting - Italy (Calavria) .24hrs around the clock exercise (18 teams/ 9 countries).
* 1-4/9/2015 Co-training with Disaster Response Team (Κ.ΟΜ.Α.Κ) of Hellenic Air Force: 4 day co-training with members of Κ.ΟΜ.Α.Κ and participation from teams from UK and Malta at Hellenic Air force facilities
* 14-16/11/2015 3rd International Training Meeting, Portugal (Porto) . The three days exercise was under the auspices by Evolsar
Memorandums of collaboration
* 2/12/2014 HALAZI.GR Agreement of collaboration with all EP.OM.E.A teams under the auspices of EP.OM.E.A Greece
* 12/2/2015 Varadero Club Hellas Agreement of collaboration where EP.OM.E.A will provide training to the club members and the club will assist the team providing motorcycle transportation when needed
* 24/08/2015 Disaster Response Team (Κ.ΟΜ.Α.Κ) of Hellenic Air Force: Agreement for Disaster response training.
First Aid Training
* 2/9/2013 : BLS/AED-ERC training
* 2013-2015 : First Aid training to High schools and Lyceums of Egaleo, Porto Rapti, Petroupoli , Larisa , Thessaloniki
* 2/5/2015: First Aid training to Petros Petropoulos Training
* 12/5/2015: First Aid training to S.Savatis EPE
* 15/5/2015: First Aid training to volunteers AUTH (University of Thessaloniki)
* 2015 : First Aid training to Varadero CLUB
* 2015: First Aid training to V STROM CLUB
Medical cover/ Aid
* 20-5-2013 / 31-9-2013 –Medical cover at 3 theaters (Petras, Vrachon Minotis)
* 24/10/2014 Pumping water out of houses at Egaleo under the directions of General Secretariat of Civil Protection
* 16/2/2015 11th Running Race of 100 kilometers and 5th Running Race of 50kilometers Hellenic Championship
* 23/2/2015 8th Celesidia - mountain bike race at Markopoulo
* 15/03/2015 12th Inter-Municipal Chess Champion (Egaleo, Haidari , Ag.Barbara)
* 16-17/4/2015 2nd Football meeting Stadium of Sourmena - Elliniko
* 11-31/5/2015 Children's Football meeting ΕΑΚ Egaleo
* 9-10/5/2015 Promotional event of Nova Star Wars HD , Smart Park.
* 24/5/2015 Bicycle Race – Ermis, Markopoulo .
* 23-30/5/2015 School races – ΕΑΚ Egaleo.
* 27-30/5/2015 17th International Deaf Basketball Champion , Glyfada – participation of 12 countries.
* 18/06/2015 Custom of "Clidona" , Papagou square , Cultural Association Ano Lioumi
* 11-16/7/2015 European Track Cycling Championship – Olympic Cycling Stadium
* 17/07/2015 Forest fire fighting at Ymitto – Virona.
* 01/5/2015-30/09/2015 Medical cover of Petras Theater
* 01/5/2015-30/09/2015 Medical cover of Vrachon Theater
* 27/8/2015- 18/9/2015 Medical cover of Minotis Theater
* 01-31/07/2015 Fire-prevention patrols Of "Baroutadiko" groove
* 2-4/10/2015 Sports Education Festival (ΤΑΕ ΚWON DO stadium of Faliro)
* 18/10/2015 "Couvelia 2015" Cycling Race (Parnitha)
* 22/10/2015 Pumping water out of houses at Chaidari in cooperation with Fire Brigade
* 25/10/2015 Running Race 2015,
* 31/10/2015 – 01/11/2015. 1st Athens Baby Rally (Syntagma Square)
* 13-24/11/2015 Support of refuges at Lesvos - Sea rescue and medical cover
* 13/12/2015 «AdventureXpert» - Adventure event
Members Certification
* Sports on Field Trauma Emergencies –S.O.F.T.E - European College of Sports medicine and Exercise Physicians (ECOSEP).
* Forest Fire fight /prevention- Hellenic Fire Brigade Headquarters.
* Disaster response – Hellenic Air Force -Κ.ΟΜ.Α.Κ
Cooperating Reacue Teams
* EVOLSAR: European Association of Civil Protection Volunteer Teams (www.evolsar.eu) Founding member
* Protezione civile Edelweiss
* EPS SAR Team (D.A.R.T.)
* Serbian Rescue Team
* Cyprus Civil Protection Volunteer Corps
* Emergency Fire & Rescue Unit
Cooperating State Agencies
* Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization
* Institute of Geodynamics
* National Observatory of Athens
* Hellenic Fire Brigade
* National Emergency Center
* Hellenic National Meteorological Service
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